Ubuntu Snappy core is a minimalist OS with a packaging framework, designed for OTA (Over the Air) update of the OS and Application. It can be useful for both IOT embedded gateways as well as cloud VM (Virtual Machines).

Here is a short notes on how to run it on Oracle’s Open Source Virtual Box (vbox).

Virtual Box

To create a Virtual Box (vbox) image from .img file

wget http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.04/ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img.xz
unxz ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img.xz
cat ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img | sudo dd of=/home/ashish/Labs/snappy/u64.bin bs=32M
VBoxManage convertfromraw u64.bin  u-1504-amd64-snappy-vbox.vdi

Thereafter, create a new VM in vbox, with Linux, ubuntu x64 options and use the above created .vdi for the disk. Then boot the newly created VM.

Please Note that vbox does not run if kvm is already running. So, stop any kvm or qemu virtual machines before running the vbox image.


~/Labs/snappy$ wget http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.04/ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img.xz
unxz ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img.xz
kvm -m 512 -redir :8090::80 -redir :8022::22 ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img

A qemu instance boots up, with u:ubuntu, p:ubuntu , can also ssh using:

ssh -p 8022 ubuntu@localhost
